DR CE Year Name
1372 2002 1372 Wild Magic
1373 2003 1373 Rogue Dragons
1374 2004 1374 Lightning Storms
1375 2005 1375 Risen Elfkin
1376 2006 1376 The Bent Blade
1377 2007 1377 The Haunting
1378 2008 1378 The Cauldron
1379 2009 1379 The Lost Keep
1380 2010 1380 The Blazing Hand
1381 2011 1381 The Starving
1382 2012 1382 The Black Blazon
1383 2013 1383 The Vindicated Warrior
1384 2014 1384 Three Streams Blooded
1385 2015 1385 Blue Fire
1386 2016 1386 The Halflings' Lament
1387 2017 1387 The Emerald Ermine
1388 2018 1388 The Tanarukka
1389 2019 1389 The Forgiven Foes
1390 2020 1390 The Walking Man
1391 2021 1391 The Wrathful Eye
1392 2022 1392 The Scroll
1393 2023 1393 The Ring
1394 2024 1394 Deaths Unmourned
1395 2025 1395 Silent Death
1396 2026 1396 The Secret
1397 2027 1397 The Quill
1398 2028 1398 The Voyage
1399 2029 1399 The Fallen Friends
1400 2030 1400 Lost Ships
  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • 5e Feats
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  • A Recent History of the Realms
  • Anastasia of Thay
  • Arcane Brotherhood
  • Archetype: Brutal Scoundrel
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  • Ardeep
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  • Athalantar
  • Aurora Phaundal
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  • Kingdom of Man
  • Knights of the Sword Coast
  • Kyrin Lothandrien
  • Lizard Marsh
  • Llewellyn Longhand
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  • Lower Delimbiyr Vale
  • Luskan
  • Marshall Hillert
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  • Notable Characters - Duchy of Daggerford
  • People
  • People
  • Phalorm
  • Phandalin
  • Pwyll Daggerford
  • Qilue Veladorn
  • Raithen Nightsong
  • Realm of Three Crowns
  • Recent History
  • Reconciling Time
  • River Delimbiyr
  • Roll of Years
  • Ruathym
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  • School of Chronomancy
  • Sembia
  • Severin Silrajin
  • Shade (Andrew Ochtinsky's conflicted copy 2016-05-18)
  • Shade
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  • Skullport
  • Sophia Lauviger
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  • Taera Shimmerstar
  • Targarth Longhorn
  • Tarn Urmbrusk
  • Tavaray
  • Test1
  • The Court of Empress Anastasia
  • The Dragon Has Five Heads
  • The Hour of Twilight (Andrew Ochtinsky's conflicted copy 2016-11-01)
  • The Hour of Twilight
  • The New World
  • The Shining Path
  • Thrym's Headsplitter
  • Tiberius Kaine
  • Unicorn Run
  • Vaelendaer
  • WDK Background
  • WDK
  • Way Down Below
  • Way Inn
  • Witch
  • Wraith
  • Year of Blue Fire
  • Year of Deaths Unmourned
  • Year of Forgiven Foes
  • Year of Lost Ships
  • Year of the Ring
  • Year of the Scroll
  • Year of the Tanarukka
  • Zhengyi
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